Monday, May 19, 2008

Seminary Treasure Hunt

I like this whole blogging idea. It's very relaxing. Well, writing down yesterdays blog was a time for me to reflect on funny times in my life, (and believe me, I've had many), so I figured, why not write every one of them in my blog. I recall a time in my sophmore year of High School, when I was in Bro. B's Seminary class. And it was a game day. (I love Game Days). Well this just happened to be the treasure hunt game, where, after you look up a scripture the teacher calls out an item, and the first team to set that item on the table in the middle of the classroom gets a point. So there I am with my team who consists of Eric, Amanda Sue, and Kira, (possibly other people that I cannot recall at this time). Well we had just finished looking up the scripture, so now we were on to the "treasure hunting", (anyone who has played this game before, knows that at this point in time, things can get very violent). So, Bro B. calls out a "hat". so everyone is looking around for a hat, and low and behold, hats are not allowed in seminary, so no one has one. Then someone, very meekly, asks if the hoods on hoodies count. By this time, everyone in the whole class in quietly anticipating his answer. I glance at the clock, the second hand seems to slow down as we patiently wait. Sweat seems to seep off peoples faces, others hold their breath. Bro B's eyes dash from one side, to the other, and back again. "YES" he exclaimed as half the class darts toward the middle of the classroom, eagerly trying to pull their hoodies off. (Now, what I am about to tell you, imagine in slow motion). Eric Bottelberghe, being the wonderful redhead he is doesn't even bother to take off his hoodie. All I saw was a flash of red dart past me, (that's Erics hair), and then "SMACK". Eric decides to slam his head, with the hood on it, onto the desk. Way to take one for the team. I'm surprised he didn't get a concussion, seriously. But, even after Eric's heroic sacrifice, the other team got the point. Apparantly, he couldn't be wearing the item. So, What is the moral of this story? Think, before you go and slam your head on a desk. Lucky for Eric, his hair was so bright that is took most of the blow. (JK). Until next time. Amen.

(This is based on a true story. some events may have been exagerated a little bit. No animals were hurt in the making of this story).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can picture this perfectly...In my class, the funniest one was when Bro. B. called out 'Belt.'

